How can we make it easier to build things in the world of atoms?
Construction productivity has actually fallen over the last 50 years in the U.S. And with the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Inflation Reduction Act, and the CHIPS and Science Act, more than $1.5 trillion of public investment will be spent in the coming decade on climate, energy, transportation, manufacturing, and other critical areas of American infrastructure.
We need to unblock the bottlenecks to building, ensuring that public money translates into real physical infrastructure that benefits Americans.

Latest Publication
How the White House Can Reform NEPA
Three steps the Council on Environmental Quality can take to fix our environmental permitting process.
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Emerging Technology

Compute in America: A Policy Playbook
How to Rapidly Build Gigawatt-Scale AI Clusters in the United States
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Leveraging LIHTC for Housing Abundance
Realigning federal subsidies will increase housing supply in America’s big cities
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Emerging Technology

How to Build the Future of AI in the United States
Part Two of Compute in America
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Infrastructure Research Team

How NEPA Will Tax Clean Energy
The National Environmental Policy Act has become a barrier to environmental policy
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Emerging Technology

Compute in America: Building the Next Generation of AI Infrastructure at Home
A new series from the Institute for Progress
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Seven Frequently Asked Questions About NEPA
Debunking common myths about the National Environmental Policy Act
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We Must End the Litigation Doom Loop
It's time for Congress to impose a time limit on injunctions.
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A Cheat Sheet for NEPA Judicial Reform
How do different reform proposals stack up?
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Moving Past Environmental Proceduralism
If the activists of fifty years ago had known what we know now, what might they have done differently?
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How Cost Allocation Works for Transmission Lines
Why it matters, and why it shouldn't stop the clean energy buildout
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How to Be a Policy Entrepreneur in the American Vetocracy
A review of "Recoding America: Why Government Is Failing in the Digital Age and How We Can Do Better," by Jennifer Pahlka
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How to Save America’s Transmission System
The overwhelming priority of energy policy must be making it easier to build things
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The Policy Interventions that Could Boost Geothermal
Part Four of Hot Rocks: Commercializing Next-Generation Geothermal Energy
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Barriers to Next-Gen Geothermal
Part Three of Hot Rocks: Commercializing Next-Generation Geothermal Energy
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How Public Policy Accelerated the Shale Revolution
Part Two of Hot Rocks: Commercializing Next-Generation Geothermal Energy
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The Technological Innovations that Produced the Shale Revolution
Part One of Hot Rocks: Commercializing Next-Generation Geothermal Energy
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Hot Rocks: Commercializing Next-Generation Geothermal Energy
A joint series from Employ America and Institute for Progress
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A Grand Bargain for Permitting Reform
American energy production can be transformed, if the parties can find a deal
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No, NEPA Really Is a Problem for Clean Energy
Four reasons the arguments of NEPA defenders miss the mark
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Geothermal Energy Needs Permitting Reform
At the very least, give geothermal energy the same exemptions that oil and gas receive
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Can I-95’s Repairs Teach Us to Build Faster?
The astonishingly fast repairs to Interstate 95 offer a rare glimpse at how quickly America can build when we get out of our own way.
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Defining “Major Federal Action” in NEPA
Federal agencies need to concentrate their efforts on projects that cause considerable environmental disruption
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Environmental Assessment Reform
Allow agencies the autonomy to act as soon as they can accurately determine a "finding of no significant impact"
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Why Does Nuclear Power Plant Construction Cost So Much?
The source of clean energy shouldn't be displaying "negative learning" over time
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Time Limit on Injunctions
NEPA review needs a judicial shot clock
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“Demand Commitment Mechanisms” Can Jumpstart Long-Duration Energy Storage
A response to the DOE's request for information on advanced market commitments
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How Biofuel Mandates Raise Food and Energy Prices
Blending requirements harm consumers and the environment
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Decarbonization Won’t Require as Much Land as You Think
We can reach net zero emissions without devoting hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land to energy farms
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Climate Relief Can’t Wait for Utopia
Wishful thinking hampers the clean-energy revolution
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How to Stop Environmental Review from Harming the Environment
Permitting reform is an opportunity to accelerate decarbonization
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