Ina Ganguli
Ina Ganguli
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Ina Ganguli is a Non-Resident Senior Fellow at IFP, an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Associate Director of the UMass Computational Social Science Institute.

Ina's research areas are labor economics, the economics of science and innovation, international development and economic history.

She is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), an Affiliated Researcher at the Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) at the Stockholm School of Economics, and a Faculty Associate at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies and the Laboratory for Innovation Science (LISH) at Harvard University.

In 2018, Ina received the Russian National Prize in Applied Economics, awarded biennially to recognize published research on the Russian economy, and previously received honorable mention for the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research Dissertation Award. She was a Fulbright scholar in Ukraine in 2004 and has served as a U.S. Embassy Policy Specialist Fellow in Russia, Azerbaijan and Tajikistan.